Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Magic of Sharing

Thank to the internet, people nowadays could broaden much bigger networks than before. Using the idea of sharing, people create lots of enterprises. Every idea about sharing is a good business opportunity.

Sharing videos→YouTube
Sharing ratings→Yelp, Rate My Professors, Rate My Physicians, IMDb, Douban
Sharing annotations→diigo
Sharing pics→Pinterest, Flickr
Sharing documents→Google Doc, Dropbox
Sharing things (borrow things)→yerdle
Sharing textbook→Chegg
Sharing dresses and accessories→RenttheRunway
Sharing skills→Skillshare
Sharing cars→Getaround
Sharing driveway, garage or parking spot→ParkAtMyHouse
Sharing ride→Lyft
Sharing manpower for tasks→TaskRabbit
Sharing themselves as tour guides→Vayable
Sharing themselves as pet sitter→DogVacay

From the above, we could find some trends:

1. From unsubstantial to substantial things
Videos, ratings, and pics are treated as unsubstantial things and are easy to share, and so they are used for sharing first. After many of unsubstantial things being used for star-ups, people turn to think about sharing substantial things, e.g., textbooks, dress, and cars.

2. From things to manpower
Recently, people would like to put their specialities, enrich their life, and make money, and thus enterprises that help people find people and recommend themselves for some tasks appear.

3. Focus on one specific side
The above enterprises just focus on one rather than more than one sides, things or tasks. It is rare to see one enterprise to offer platform for people to share everything or many things.

Therefore, think today about what other things or specific tasks could be shared and would be popular. You will be the next star for startups.


  1. Interesting! FSU also provides us an opportunity to launch our startups, called "Shark Tank". It is a competition and winners can get funding. The 2013 winner brought his idea of "sharing student-generated study guides." Here is the link,

    1. What a great idea near us! Thank you for introducing the competition.

  2. Going off what Jiyae shared, it's insane what people come up with on the internet, and the ability to "share" something is expanding exponentially. My husband and I joke around every once and a while when discussing something, and I'll always ask "is there an app for that?" because that's really where we're at in life, everything is at the click of a button, and boom, you have what you want! P.S. I earned quite a bit of money during my undergrad using Moola Guides, one time I made $300 of a final, insane! I think it's called Flash notes now though.. :)

    1. Haha, Shannon,
      Thank you for introducing Flash notes. I am crazy about taking notes for course. I will try to sell my notes and see whether someone want them.

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  5. Last year my friend and I went to Tallahassee for homecoming. Her daughter is an on campus student and we decided to pretend we were 21 again by hanging out with the young-uns. I had the opportunity to meet a couple of guys who used Shark Tank for a business launch called The World Phone. This is an app that will be used to learn foreign languages- kind of like Duo Lingo- but better. ~Kendall
